The Science Gallery Network consists of leading universities united around a singular mission: to ignite creativity and discovery where science and art collide.
The seven galleries of the Science Gallery Network are committed to bringing science, art, technology and design together to deliver world-class educational and cultural experiences for young people.
Transdisciplinary approaches to education and innovation are fundamental to future-proof the university; sparking catalytic conversations, connections and collaborations across networks is instrumental to develop and implement these approaches. Science Gallery Network programmes feature emerging research and ideas from the worlds of science, art, design and technology, presented in connective, participative, and surprising ways.
By joining the Science Gallery Network, universities can draw on global connections to benefit their local communities, and use their local insights to generate new research with international impact. Our Network members recognise that the Science Gallery Network contributes significantly to achieving their key strategic objectives: internationalisation; excellence in research and learning; innovation and entrepreneurship; student recruitment; and community engagement.